#frpg @ Undernet stats by Pug Majere

Statistics generated on Saturday 21 December 2024 - 5:04:51
During this 16214-day reporting period, a total of 1460 different nicks were represented on #frpg.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Last seenRandom quote
1 M_Tsubasa483811479406316359 702824838140631635974 days ago"i thought it was fucking terrible for the game"
2 A_Rokku48430558315908473 640764843055838473592 days ago"theres no way im not copy/pasting this"
3 Hitaka1922329111726723881 63282192232911172672388116 days ago"there are a lot of people with 0 chance"
4 Yoshiko308134438718712126 54564308134438718712126154 days ago"well, i've gotta go to class"
5 Doc_Zaius1096318681003224443 473061096318681003224443457 days ago"*Mercenary Medusan Super Uber Overlord - *Reaver - *Unique"
6 `Joel`66752187218494 4704366752187218494231 days ago"If you don't say it right it does sound like a girl's name. :D"
7 RevAaron25303266038438818 4062425303266038438818739 days ago"where do you find these erratas?"
8 Yukimi15998848715288 4028115998848715288854 days ago"Does anyone have a pic of Aenne the Tempest?"
9 glurble167902362551311205 358701679023625513112051022 days ago"waiting a week per ep is awful."
10 IdeOsamu27077317218993624 3577227077317218993624128 days ago"They dropped the bomb on Hiroshima."
11 TokuAway2211189443958370 357702211143958370359 days ago"Was there some kind of duplication bug?"
12 Shiwan112051757636313265 32590112051757636313265984 days ago"Oh, something you missed earlier:"
13 Jaguarkmd10157368417263 3125010157368417263450 days ago"Nick: Like, you write stories on it or what?"
14 Jared12213846561411451 301241221384656141145159 days ago"their deckstyles were story incorporated."
15 Wesside160222321231313692 298391602223212313136922 days ago"is it of a particular comic company?"
16 B|League1661596748775604 280631661596748775604593 days ago"Nick probably got shafted."
17 AkodoDan2237717702159 2646822377177021591018 days ago"i've seen it over at magicbox every now and then"
18 Azat18980211618683133 2609718980211618683133141 days ago"If you like, go ahead and ask on the list and we'll rule on it."
19 Hadsall16362159814842365 2180916362159814842365236 days ago"Hopefully my TO doesn't know that..........."
20 orz1410015185180 2141714100151861951808130 days ago"None of them good, of course."
21 EuainWRK1113671524034485 187391113671524034485294 days ago"It's all part of the Illuminati's plans."
22 Baruuk3259190064087152 18719325919006408715272 days ago"he's usually on after midnight eastern"
23 Colson8523105032605752 18585852310503260575253 days ago"I like Lt tournaments no rares"
24 PaulB153867498609 16972153867498609719 days ago"any fantasy football afficionados here?"
25 SeijSLEEP8046100423563651 15057804610042356365156 days ago"walmart had a shitload of DVDs for $5 each"

These didn't make it to the top:
Neverborn (14925) tomasd (14700) TSH|DECK (13596) PugMajere (13435) Bortlett (13239)
TheBill (12932) RhwnERAND (11968) nekochan (10825) Dandanar (10649) Chosaro (9470)
Kimi|AWAY (8822) Ling_ (8753) sandbar (8692) Kagetora (8133) SassyFOOD (8091)
faux (7959) BluCanary (7896) TheCarter (7892) SanzoLuk (7868) Gui-Zhang (7464)
hedge (7285) Bayadere (7159) Velric (6858) DarthLaz (6805) spags (5918)
Yogo_Shoj (5748) Schatzie (5666) Natsuko (5267) FINKSTER (5107) PinkFlwyd (4973)

By the way, there were 1405 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 A_Rokku - 48430 `Joel` - 6675 `Joel` - 21872 Doc_Zaius - 24443
2 M_Tsubasa - 48381 A_Rokku - 5583 Hitaka - 17267 Hitaka - 23881
3 Yoshiko - 30813 Yoshiko - 4438 Wesside - 12313 `Joel` - 18494
4 IdeOsamu - 27077 IdeOsamu - 3172 Doc_Zaius - 10032 Jaguarkmd - 17263
5 RevAaron - 25303 Hitaka - 2911 Yukimi - 8487 M_Tsubasa - 16359
6 AkodoDan - 22377 RevAaron - 2660 Yoshiko - 7187 Yukimi - 15288
7 TokuAway - 22111 glurble - 2362 PaulB - 6749 Wesside - 13692
8 Hitaka - 19223 Wesside - 2232 Baruuk - 6408 Shiwan - 13265
9 Azat - 18980 Azat - 2116 Shiwan - 6363 Yoshiko - 12126
10 glurble - 16790 Baruuk - 1900 Jared - 5614 Jared - 11451

Big numbers
Is dewy1 stupid or just asking too many questions? 32.6% lines contained a question!
motochen didn't know that much either. 29.6% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Lord_Amon, who yelled 25.1% of the time!
Another old yeller was tigolebit, who shouted 21.0% of the time!
It seems that ates1's shift-key is hanging: 7.3% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <atesh> "I'M BORED. LET'S GO!"

OhmFish just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 6.5% of the time.
Yukimi is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 184 times.
For example, like this:
     * Yukimi slaps RWC around a bit with a large trout

B|League can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 95 times.
Poor Ling_, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 80 times.
For example, like this:
     * IdeOsamu smacks the dwarf. You betta recognize!

Aaron seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 35 times.
DrGeeves brings happiness to the world. 24.5% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Da_Kolat_ isn't a sad person either, smiling 23.1% of the time.
Toren seems to be sad at the moment: 43.4% lines contained sad faces. :(
Nicoli is also a sad person, crying 4.0% of the time.
Toren wrote the longest lines, averaging 157.3 letters per line.
#frpg average was 34.0 letters per line.
Raga wrote the shortest lines, averaging 17.7 characters per line.
TheMuffin was tight-lipped, too, averaging 18.5 characters.
Hitaka spoke a total of 539857 words!
Hitaka's faithful follower, M_Tsubasa, didn't speak so much: 460901 words.
Inc wrote an average of 40.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.55 words per line.

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 Yukimi (399 names) pitites, Rusalka, KimiSlp, ARetard, FOODDAMNIT, FuLeng, badtsslavegi, Sherlock, Sam00rye, LtrainOUT, ...
2 M_Tsubasa (395 names) LazMOVIE, LazGANJA, TsuLunch, TsuXmas, GoneTsu, AcuraHyundai, TsuEat, TduWork, Dr_Laz, TsuLawn, ...
3 Colson (383 names) Mikegone, LazEQII, mikeslp, peteywhea, bendere, Dolamite, l4zfor205, all_of_it, L4zTOWER, MikeFood, ...
4 Yoshiko (361 names) Yoshi|TO, YoshiBB, YoshiWRK, Y-Walmart, HoshiBRB, Yosh|AWAY, Y|LAUNDRY, YoshiEQ, Yosh|SORT, Y|install, ...
5 B|League (331 names) B|Pizza, B|Sift, RevAaron, Cocks4Ben, TSH|DECK, PandaAttk, blindedheart, TeamRedC4, KeniAFK, Aikune, ...

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 about 26722 Pukku
2 there 22821 GonjaHitman
3 would 18725 EuainWRK
4 because 13850 Y_Reiko2
5 Right 13827 EuainWRK
6 going 13643 EuainWRK
7 still 12004 TokuAway
8 though 9889 EuainWRK
9 should 9785 bergie
10 something 9520 ToLShifty

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Ling_ 292217 ToLShifty
2 SassyFOOD 132693 bergie_
3 sandbar 122624 M_Tsubasa
4 M_Hira 111552 Doc_Zaius
5 Colson 69901 PugMajere

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://www.viperlair.net/hecubus/ApprCtaPatch.zip 57 HolyViper
2 http://www.warlordccg.com 54 bergie
3 http://www.temple-of-lore.com 41 Hitaka
4 http://pwp.clearsource.net/dpurvis/apprentice/apprenticehome 35 Wesside
5 http://www.angelfire.com/rpg/silverdragon/pictures.html 28 M_Tsubasa

Other interesting numbers
Shiwan wasn't very popular, getting kicked 74 times!
For example, like this:
     *** Shiwan was kicked by orz (Ass.)

ates1 seemed to be hated too: 35 kicks were received.
orz is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 83 people!
orz's faithful follower, *.undernet.org, kicked about 51 people.
Shiwan donated 2011 ops in the channel...
perplex was also very polite: 455 ops from him/her.
Shiwan is the channel sheriff with 27 deops.
Colson deoped 20 users.
glurble always lets us know what he/she's doing: 7250 actions!
For example, like this:
     * squidly blinks.

Also, M_Tsubasa tells us what's up with 5265 actions.
IdeOsamu talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 560 times!
Another lonely one was A_Rokku, who managed to hit 460 times.
ates1 couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 11004 joins during this reporting period!
Mighty_RC has quite a potty mouth. 3.4% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <Mighty_RC> shit...

Ethan also makes sailors blush, 2.7% of the time.

Latest Topics
Closing this down since nobody but the ops visit. yesterday at 04:51 by PugMajere
http://www.alderac.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=25968 53 days ago at 23:05 by Hitaka
Death's Bargain card-a-day has started! 257 days ago at 16:20 by Pukku
The topic was set 1522 times.
Total number of lines: 20070664.