#l5r @ Undernet stats by Pug Majere

Statistics generated on Wednesday 12 March 2025 - 3:38:32
During this 1854-day reporting period, a total of 4971 different nicks were represented on #l5r.

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Last seenRandom quote
1 saseko14148851746117172168837 4792431414885174611717216883722 days ago"bad immune system/cold weather/booze = Nina dies :)"
2 Hit|DIN617302754580150136432 3058576173027545801501364322 days ago"Because if not I'ma be PISSED"
3 Hawke|WRK8040086435913144849 193023804008643591314484924 days ago"Eoin: I hope they don't, ever."
4 Yukimi52875165365328258886 1815795287516536532825888612 days ago"Let's just say our experience got retconned in real life."
5 Gilador22292555666171441237 1808092229255566617144123726 days ago"Nah. Dueling/honour with military backup."
6 Yoshiko57065318174237640549 1718075706531817423764054924 days ago"But I approve, oddly enough."
7 TokuAway65084184574493840606 1690856508418457449384060612 days ago"Seriously, it totally sounded like Morrison."
8 RevAaron5625599163007733750 129998562559916300773375024 days ago"errr...next to latest I think."
9 BareBones3017297584426139634 12382530172975844261396343 days ago"he's building decks all today"
10 Y_Reiko5588843886 102461558884388623 days ago"Bleh...All right. I guess I'm heading out."
11 EviLaz385651999137606 99816385653654199913760612 days ago"Alex, how is this chat going to be moderated?"
12 Ling501189551220229779 9147050118955122022977923 days ago"I can't hand out things after New Years"
13 M_Tsubasa59421693517967 8786259421353969351796712 days ago"I'm trying to get him to stop posting idiotic posts"
14 BenP212269265422520722915 86933122692654225207229152 days ago"and yet the meeting isnt until tomorrow"
15 TheMonty12743110403054032451 867741274311040305403245112 days ago"B: Dammit put that thing away"
16 Jared26913127181881225425 83868269131271818812254252 days ago"we need a new Scorpion sensei"
17 Hadsall4993179411311512365 83352499317941131151236525 days ago"ob mirror is a hella good care."
18 KktaJimbo223171344932192 7125322317329513449321923 days ago"this is shit that is *not* pt's responsibility to do."
19 PaulB3386831933 695363395338683193361 days ago"you say that but nesterovic weighs less"
20 Natsuko834178151115640235 6754783417815111564023521 days ago"sign me up so I can take more of an ego hit"
21 Laquey13954407055995 617481395440705599524 days ago"I built the institution jon ..."
22 Sutekh15084362586506 590891508436258650626 days ago"You are assuming that other people here have the herald"
23 EzomzFlights210191342322393 5779021019134232239311 days ago"the party I'm going to keeps moving"
24 walken1350379551413221687 57277135037955141322168712 days ago"http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1581867722104021421"
25 Hellkite1878562841285119130 57050187856284128511913025 days ago"same to you...hope you have a good one..."

These didn't make it to the top:
Nakura (56159) Shiwan (54752) ChucklesAFK (54369) Saxit (51768) Nvr|SLEEP (49439)
kakitadai (45538) Fianna_ (45386) Hokosaki (45293) A_Rokku (45028) tomasd (43507)
AkodoGil1dor (43436) l4zXX0r (42663) Kitsuki_ (42414) Shoji (41593) Sauce|AFK (40968)
Ashendai (40390) GreyCrane (40266) AshmanAFK (38749) Mack`ill (38119) OtakuRea (38110)
Volt|Away (37256) Paladin_4 (36793) Dandanar (36665) K-Yasuyo (36139) atesh (35742)
EviL4z (35740) SanzoLuk (35714) Daremo (35570) Sasori (32952) Rokku (32765)

By the way, there were 4916 other nicks.

Most active nicks by hours
  0-5 6-11 12-17 18-23
1 saseko - 141488 Gilador - 55566 saseko - 117172 saseko - 168837
2 Hawke|WRK - 80400 saseko - 51746 Hit|DIN - 80150 Hit|DIN - 136432
3 TokuAway - 65084 Y_Reiko - 43886 Gilador - 61714 Yukimi - 58886
4 Hit|DIN - 61730 Laquey - 40705 Hawke|WRK - 59131 Hawke|WRK - 44849
5 M_Tsubasa - 59421 Sutekh - 36258 Yukimi - 53282 Gilador - 41237
6 Yoshiko - 57065 Yoshiko - 31817 TokuAway - 44938 TokuAway - 40606
7 RevAaron - 56255 K-Yasuyo - 28686 BareBones - 44261 Yoshiko - 40549
8 Y_Reiko - 55888 Hit|DIN - 27545 Yoshiko - 42376 Natsuko - 40235
9 Yukimi - 52875 BenP2 - 26542 PaulB - 33868 BareBones - 39634
10 Ling - 50118 Saxit - 19171 TheMonty - 30540 EviLaz - 37606

Big numbers
Is Client2 stupid or just asking too many questions? 36.2% lines contained a question!
justblaze didn't know that much either. 30.8% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was OniNoKuro, who yelled 31.4% of the time!
Another old yeller was IsawaRee, who shouted 22.7% of the time!
It seems that walken's shift-key is hanging: 15.8% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     <walken> ALL HOPE IS NOT LOST!

ChucklesAFK just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 13.1% of the time.
Yukimi is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 547 times.
For example, like this:
     * Kimi|AFK slaps tomasd with a used tampon

Hawke|WRK can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 469 times.
Poor Ling, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 213 times.
For example, like this:
     * Yukimi slaps the absent Jenny around

his seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 149 times.
Shiba_Sam brings happiness to the world. 46.1% lines contained smiling faces. :)
Smi isn't a sad person either, smiling 42.2% of the time.
Natsune seems to be sad at the moment: 58.2% lines contained sad faces. :(
bennyd is also a sad person, crying 4.2% of the time.
Natsune wrote the longest lines, averaging 198.0 letters per line.
#l5r average was 35.3 letters per line.
Nakura_ wrote the shortest lines, averaging 15.3 characters per line.
PimpGirly was tight-lipped, too, averaging 16.0 characters.
saseko spoke a total of 3404901 words!
saseko's faithful follower, Hit|DIN, didn't speak so much: 2688245 words.
FUK_U_ALL wrote an average of 65.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.76 words per line.

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 Yukimi (815 names) Jima, THATISALL, Tas|Wiz8, Tas|DISHS, fascist, AllLove4B, Daigotsu-, GnrlKim, MikeVU, Jun|DIP, ...
2 saseko (632 names) sickgrrl, ninaSadAFK, ninaPolitics, ninashocked, nina|SLP, nina|SHWR, ninathinkin, ninaCFFEAKF, ninatoke, KorinRule, ...
3 Hawke|WRK (569 names) B|TPB, Hawke|GX, Hawke|BSB, Hawke|WA3, Hawke|D2, Hawke|BBQ, Hawke|MNF, Shaqira, Moxie, B|Sift, ...
4 Yoshiko (482 names) DeadHazel, Y_Hachi, Hazelasau, RoadDogg, YoshiL5R, YoshPAINT, YoshNJURD, Y|SLPatWK, YoshUNPAC, YoshikoAC, ...
5 BenP2 (428 names) Shinjo2, BenP|bed, TheBenP, BrotherJunch, Jun|bucks, ImSorryOp, JunNotBeaten, RIch4325, BenPSLEPTING, Shoji, ...

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 about 148347 RickAFK
2 there 124343 Hit|DIN
3 would 107555 BFox
4 because 83946 RickAFK
5 right 83735 Toadboy
6 going 77303 Toadboy
7 should 65822 RickAFK
8 cards 64714 BFox
9 though 60608 RickAFK
10 other 57480 RickAFK

Most referenced nicks
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 Ling 1579663 EviL4z
2 kashan 955939 Hawksm00r
3 Kanier 871874 TokuAway
4 Goju 650692 Paladin_4
5 Cauthon 602115 A_Daikats

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://www.holycow.com/l5r/stats.html 192 Y_Reiko
2 http://www.thelionclan.com 159 AkodoJed
3 http://l5r.alderac.com 133 Pukku
4 http://www.thedragonclan.com/ 115 Hokosaki
5 http://www.tsuruchi.com 115 Celevin

Other interesting numbers
Gilador wasn't very popular, getting kicked 27 times!
For example, like this:
     *** Gilador was kicked by Gilador

Shiwan seemed to be hated too: 21 kicks were received.
Hit|DIN is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 122 people!
Hit|DIN's faithful follower, KbdNoOni, kicked about 55 people.
PugMajere donated 998 ops in the channel...
perplex was also very polite: 908 ops from him/her.
Hit|DIN is the channel sheriff with 13 deops.
Yukimi deoped 13 users.
saseko always lets us know what he/she's doing: 42390 actions!
For example, like this:
     * sasekoWork sighs

Also, Hawke|WRK tells us what's up with 14977 actions.
saseko talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 11179 times!
Another lonely one was BenP2, who managed to hit 972 times.
Yukimi couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 5180 joins during this reporting period!
JesusSucks has quite a potty mouth. 6.5% words were foul language.
For example, like this:
     <JesusSucks> fuck you

OptonlSKS also makes sailors blush, 5.4% of the time.

Latest Topics
PTGame is up, see the PT board. 4 days ago at 11:50 by NinjaBurger
Move to #l5r, discuss there. 12 days ago at 22:12 by PugMajere
Meeting at 6pm PDT (GMT-7) | /join #l5r for meta discussions | http://www.alderac.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18407 | Email Q's: edevlin@alderac.com 12 days ago at 17:18 by PugMajere
The topic was set 1265 times.
Total number of lines: 7946955.